Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Methods Of Protection From Electromagnetic Fields

By Francis Riggs

People in the world have very many needs. In order to cater for these needs a person has to have a job to do. This can be any activity that the person does and gets paid for their services. Luckily enough the earth is the biggest resource on the planet. It has numerous materials that can be used to cater for the needs of the people. Water is one of those materials. The ways of protection from electromagnetic fields are quite many.

Air is also another very popular material on the face of earth. This material is quite unique in many ways. Unlike many of the other elements on the planet air is invisible and not tangible in nature. No one can touch or see this element. People only get to see and feel the effects of its availability in the community. It is also a mixture of several gases including oxygen carbon dioxide, nitrogen and other rarely occurring gases in nature.

The plants and animals in nature also make up for quite a sizeable percentage of the earth. Plants are important in very many different ways. They are the largest source and provider of food substances to the human race and many other herbivorous living creatures. In the community these plants also act as wind brakes in the cases of strong winds headed towards the community.

In the beginning the earth was simply one big rock or at least scientists claim so. This rock was subjected to the numerous corrosive forces in nature and it gradually broke down. This process went on for so long until there were finally fine textured pieces of rocks and these were called soils. Due to the difference in texture and other qualities as well the soils come in various kinds including clay, loamy, sandy soils and others.

Numerous other important substances are embedded under the earth and these can be obtained through a process known as mining. It is simply the extraction of materials from the underneath of the earth. The commonly sought substances here include gold ore, iron ore and numerous other important metal species. These can be used in the making of several beautiful ornaments that can be sold for a profit.

It possesses a force field known as magnetism. Magnetism is basically a field of force lines created by a magnetic substance. The force in this naturally occurring stone was copied and transferred to numerous other metallic substances and this has had numerous applications in the community.

The force of magnetism is also very essential. This force originates from the core of the earth and revolves around it from the North Pole to the South Pole. Smaller versions of this magnet are the lodestone rocks that occur naturally. This theory has harnessed and the commercial creation of magnets in laboratories took precedence.

They have further been used in lifting heavy metallic objects in the industrial sectors. Mechanisms are created that can make temporary magnets to carry and deliver heavy things at the point of needs. They are also used in hospitals to rid metallic objects from the human body. Over exposure can however harm the human body. To prevent this proper dressing should be done.

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